Grandmaster Insides, Maxim Dlugy
Als een uitgever informatie geeft over zijn boek, weet je al dat het een lovend verhaal zal zijn. De slager die zijn eigen vlees keurt, luidt het gezegde. Bij dit boek is onze recensent Franck Steenbekkers echter enthousiaster dan de uitgever.
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New in Chess
‘Grandmaster Insides’ takes you into the inner world of Maxim Dlugy, as he recounts and analyses what a young player went through to become a champion and what areas of development are important for self-improvement as a chess player.
As the highest rated player in the world in the age group of 15 and until he became World Junior Champion at 20, Maxim has an ideal vantage point from which to recount the exploits of a talented young player. He became the highest rated blitz player in the world, won numerous International tournaments and even tied for 1-4th place in the first World Rapid Championship in Mazatlan, while missing becoming a World Championship Candidate.
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